A writer exploring tradition, art, and music of the people of Punjab.
Nepal: Why Nepal?
Nepalis Are Too Nice For Their Own Good
Nepal: This Is How We Worship
Hun Lahore Ae!
In the Memory of Aapa Basheeran
Uzbekistan: You Are Our Child
Uzbekistan: A Dead Sea Will Haunt You
Uzbekistan: Puttar Hor Kha
More Muslim Than Others
Uzbekistan: Tashkent Tashkent
Progress 4 Children
The Modern Man
No, it cannot be said
The National Cannot Describe the Regional
Kenya: I’ll Return
Kenya: Homeland Is Where I Breathe
Kenya: Shaking in Mombasa
Kenya Is Wicked
Kenya: Visa on Arrival
3G Coverage Map for Pakistan
You Are Going to Die Like This
Why Do You Travel in Punjab?
Dunyadari Da Khayal