Nobody tells you what really matters
He Gave His Life So That You Can Read Farid
My First Punjabi Poem
Have you seen ‘Into the Wild’?
Sufi Verses Are Not For Others
A Timeline of Punjab
Punjab is More than Politics
Something on the Status of Urdu Translations
So what is philosophy, anyway?
Status of Consensual Relationship in Heer Waris Shah
The Uncivilised
Photo Travelogue of My Rural Punjab Bike Trip
The Village Where Mirza and SahibaN Grew Up Together
How can you live like this?
Gulabdasia: Punjab’s Atheistic Religious Tradition
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IdeasHut Put to Rest
If It Can Go Wrong, It Will: A Lesson in Traveling
Why I’m selling everything I own
The Idea of An Anthropology of Islam
I Miss My Fields